Health & Safety

At CDM, health and safety is paramount and deeply ingrained in our core values, guiding our decisions throughout the design, planning, and construction phases of every project. We conduct thorough risk assessments for each project, collaborating with both workers and clients to implement controls as early as possible.

“At CDM, health and safety is paramount and deeply ingrained in our core values, guiding our decisions throughout the design, planning, and construction phases of every project. We conduct thorough risk assessments for each project, collaborating with both workers and clients to implement controls as early as possible.

Our goal is to set the standard for health and safety leadership, fostering a culture of excellence in the workplace. Through initiatives that reward and educate our frontline workers, we actively promote, encourage, and acknowledge health and safety best practices among all our contractors.”

Construction Projects

Our ongoing commitment to health and safety management in the construction process guarantees a standardised approach and facilitates knowledge sharing among all stakeholders. Each project receives a Site-Specific Safety Plan (SSSP), managed through our online system, ensuring effective communication and risk management on site.

CDM’s adherence to the Impac Prequalification system precedes every project, underscoring our dedication to safety standards. As active Totika and Site Safe members, we conduct independent health and safety site inspections to ensure compliance and continuously improve our processes.

Contractor Management System

Selected contractors must undergo our in-house prequalification assessment, which offers insights into their health and safety management system, encompassing completed training, provided documentation, and communication practices. This evaluation helps us gauge the capabilities, limitations, and intentions of the company.

If necessary, we provide guidance, coaching, and support to contractors to align them with our standards. This process serves as the foundation for all contractors working with us.

Efficient Maintenance Contractor Integration


For maintenance contracts, we endeavour to use a client’s existing contractor base where possible. To do this we contact each contractor and enrol them into our health and safety management system. From this point, we manage all aspects of the maintenance work including ensuring that contractors are, and continue to meet their duties under Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA).

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